Weekly Quiz : a few gallicisms
Pedigree… Surf… Double entendre… Which of these terms do not stem from French?
Pedigree… Surf… Double entendre… Which of these terms do not stem from French?
The English Montreal School Board is threatening to shut down one of the biggest, most reputed French Immersion Programs in Montreal. It happens to be …
How many member states are part of La Francophonie?
Julie is working hard to save her daughters’ French immersion school, Nesbitt Elementary. But the enemy here isn’t English. In Montreal, English-speaking parents are all …
According to the Observatory of the French Language, approximately how many French speakers are there in the world?
The largest French-speaking city is Paris, but which is second on the list?
Jean-Benoît just got back from Paris where we launched the new and revised French translation of The Story of French. Good news! The French — …
What year was the term “francophonie” first used?
How well do you know the story of French? We’re kicking off a series of posts with questions relating to the glorious history of the …