2022 Posts
2021 Posts
2020 Posts
abril 2020
- 21: Suddenly at Home EIGHT: Beginning of the Day Rituals
- 17: Suddenly Home SEVEN: Let the Dishes Pile Up
- 03: Suddenly Home SIX: Keeping the kids at a distance
- 01: Suddenly Home FIVE: Why Breaks are No Luxury
marzo 2020
- 30: Suddenly Home FOUR: How Supplies will Save you
- 27: Suddenly Home THREE: Work with what you’ve got
- 26: Suddenly Home TWO: (Keep) Working 9-5
- 24: Suddenly Home ONE: Stake out your territory
- 24: Suddenly Home: What you need to know about working at home, from someone who’s been doing it for decades.
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2019 Posts
2018 Posts
2017 Posts
2016 Posts
diciembre 2016
- 22: Winesworld Magazine Reviews The Bonjour Effect
- 12: The Bonjour Effect on Travel with Rick Steves
- 06: The Bonjour Effect reviewed in France Today Magazine
octubre 2016
- 18: Montreal Review of Books Reviews The Bonjour Effect
- 17: The Irish Independent Reviews The Bonjour Effect
- 11: Julie interviewed about The Bonjour Effect in Toronto Star
septiembre 2016
- 12: How to Publish a Powerful Non-Fiction Book
- 08: National Post: Barlow and Nadeau on the Burkini issue in France
agosto 2016
junio 2016
- 02: Review of The Bonjour Effect in 4-Traders.
- 02: Fausta’s Blog: The Bonjour Effect
- 02: The Bonjour Effect in the Globe and Mail
- 02: The Bonjour Effect in the New York Times Book Review
- 02: Barlow & Nadeau at the University Club
abril 2016
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2015 Posts
2014 Posts
2013 Posts
diciembre 2013
noviembre 2013
- 28: France’s General Revolt: Part I
- 18: Getting Around Paris in a Wheelchair (2)
- 13: Julie Barlow Interviewed on 93FM
octubre 2013
- 16: Why Do So Many Believe French Is on the Decline?
- 07: The French School of Laïcité
- 04: Linguistic Ideologies in Print Media
septiembre 2013
- 30: La Rentrée: Back to School in France (Part 2)
- 25: La Rentrée: Back to School in Paris (Part I) (1)
- 05: The Rise of the Spanish Speaker
agosto 2013
- 15: Why Does Spanish Have Two Different Words for “To Be”?
- 05: The Real Story of the French Language Police
- 01: Antonio de Nebrija Writes First Grammar in the History of Spanish
julio 2013
- 25: The Alliance Française Celebrates its 130th Anniversary
- 24: Korason or Corazón?
- 18: The Death of French Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
- 14: Who Knew the Calgary Stampede Was Spanish?
- 08: The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese 95th Annual Conference
junio 2013
- 27: Between the Covers Reviews The Story of Spanish
- 25: Jean-Benoît Nadeau en La Voz Latina
- 25: Winnipeg Free Press Reviews The Story of Spanish
- 25: Nuevo Mundo Interviews Nadeau & Barlow
- 25: Why Do Languages Disappear? (1)
- 17: The Story of Spanish Montreal Book Launch
- 16: «La historia del español» revela a los norteamericanos la «sorpresa» de este idioma
- 14: Canadienses escriben una historia del español
- 13: Does the Spanish Word Toro Come from Latin?
- 10: LA Times Reviews The Story of Spanish
- 10: The Montreal Gazette Reviews The Story of Spanish
- 04: The Rise of Spanish (1)
- 01: The Story of Spanish in The Economist
mayo 2013
- 28: Spanish Gave Us the Dollar, the Filibuster, Chocolate and the Concentration Camp
- 28: Una historia canadiense de la lengua española
- 27: A Multi-layered History of the Spanish Language
- 25: Auguran al español un brillante siglo 21 como segundo idioma materno del mundo
- 24: La Voz Latina junto a Julie Barlow
- 24: Spanish Embassy in Washington’s The Story of Spanish Book Launch
- 23: The Story of Spanish in Examiner.com
- 20: The Stuph File Program Talks About The Story of Spanish
- 14: ‘The Story of Spanish’ co-authors discussed intriguing new book
- 13: The Wall Street Journal Reviews The Story of Spanish
- 13: CBC Radio Interview on The Story of Spanish
- 10: Cinco de Mayo: A U.S. Celebration
- 08: Shelf-Awareness Magazine: The Story of Spanish Interview
- 07: PRI’s The World in Words and The Story of Spanish (3)
- 07: Kirkus Reviews The Story of Spanish
- 07: The Story of Spanish: Now in Bookstores
- 07: The Story of Spanish: Now in Bookstores
- 03: The Wall Street Journal: Cinco de Mayo No Hecho en México, Actually
- 03: Cinco de Mayo No Hecho en México, Actually (4)
abril 2013
- 29: A Compelling Compendium
- 25: Nuevo Mundo Interviews Nadeau & Barlow
- 24: What is the Connection Between Rabbits and Spanish? (1)
- 19: States of Spanish
- 19: States of Spanish
- 15: Hot off the Press: The Story of Spanish!
- 05: Should Spanish Replace French as a UN Working Language? (2)
- 02: 500th Anniversary of Ponce de León Landing in Florida
marzo 2013
- 22: Jean-Benoît Nadeau at the European Parliament in Brussels
- 21: Why is Benito Júarez Important to Mexicans?
- 20: The Francophonie in Ten Words
- 20: Happy International Francophonie Week!
- 15: Why an Argentine Pope?
- 13: The 1492 Expulsion of the Jews Was a Disaster for Spain
- 12: International Francophonie Week
- 06: Where Would the Spanish Language Be Without Venezuela?
- 05: How Much is the Spanish Language Worth?
- 04: Montreal, Mon Amour
febrero 2013
- 28: The Oscars’ Hispanic Connection
- 21: Not All Americans Speak English at Home (1)
- 18: Viva Florida 500: The Anniversary of Arriving in America
- 15: America’s English-Only Movement is Short-sighted
- 04: How the 1917 Constitution Transformed Mexico
- 01: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: When the U.S. Entered Mexico
enero 2013
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2012 Posts
diciembre 2012
- 31: Cuba Libre: 54th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution
- 20: The Survival of the Mayan Language (3)
- 17: Will the World End on December 21st?
- 10: 12-12-12: Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe
- 06: Why Learn Spanish? (1)
noviembre 2012
- 30: Catalonia: A Long History of Difference
- 22: The First Thanksgiving Was in Spanish
- 16: Donald Morrison Praises The Story of Spanish
- 16: Donald Morrison on The Story of Spanish
- 15: Will Puerto Rico Become the 51st State of the United States?
- 07: Jean-Benoît is a finalist for the Judith-Jasmin Award
- 05: National French Week: Celebrating the French Way of Life
- 01: Will Latinos in the U.S. assimilate like the French Canadians of New England?
octubre 2012
- 17: English Speakers Feel Socially Inferior in Quebec (3)
- 12: Nadeau & Barlow’s Op-Ed in USA Today: Hispanic heritage runs deep in the USA (1)
- 11: Why is America called America and Not Columbia?
- 08: Journey to the South Pacific
- 01: French Speaking-Communities Forum of the Pacific
septiembre 2012
- 28: Happy 50th Anniversary Univision
- 21: French in Quebec
- 14: September 15: The Day of Spanish American Independence
- 11: Remembering the Other 9-11: The Coup Against Allende
- 06: English-Language Programming for Assimilated Latinos
- 05: From Paper to Paycheck: What Every Writer Needs to Know About Marketing
- 05: What Every Writer Needs to Know About Marketing
agosto 2012
- 28: Buñol’s La Tomatina, You Say Tomato, I Say Xitomatl
- 12: The United States in the Spanish-speaking world: The Treaty of Paris and the Panama Canal
- 06: Simón Bolívar and the Independence of Bolivia and Ecuador from Spain
- 03: Speaking Spanish Is Not a Crime (Except Maybe in Arizona)
julio 2012
- 30: July 30, 1492: How the Expulsion of Spain’s Jews Spread Spanish (1)
- 25: How Santiago de Compostela Spread the Spanish Language (1)
- 19: How Many Academies Does it Take to Add Scientology to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy?
- 16: The 800th Anniversary of the Battle of Las Navas
- 12: Intercomprehension: A New Way of Learning
- 11: When Jean-Benoît Met Julie
- 10: Jean-Benoît Nadeau at the French Language World Forum
- 03: American Independence Day: A Day for Remembering
junio 2012
- 29: 1867: French Speakers in an Independent Canada
- 21: A Very Brief History of St-Jean Baptiste Day
- 19: Who Designed Argentina’s Flag?
- 18: The Return of Charles De Gaulle
- 14: The Polyglot Club: Learning New Languages while Making New Friends
- 11: Two Books about the Origins of the English Language
- 01: French Colonialism and the French Language
mayo 2012
- 25: Quiz: Higher Learning in French
- 24: Trinh Xuan Thuan : A Star Is Born
- 23: French Language World Forum 2012
- 22: ¿De dónde viene el español? (1)
- 17: English Words in French
- 14: La historia del idioma español
- 10: Is Local Government in France Limited?
- 08: Grands Prix 2012 Finalist
- 03: Cinco de Mayo: An American Holiday?
abril 2012
- 26: The Progress of French in Africa
- 18: Montreal: French or English school?
- 05: The Business of Writing
- 05: Writing Workshop with SWNB-PWAC
- 02: Sarkozy’s Immigration Strategy: Taking from the Right to give back to the Left
- 02: Why Does English Have Different Names for Animals and Their Meat?
- 01: What is the Best French-English Dictionary?
marzo 2012
- 28: What do you think is the best language to learn? (2)
- 28: How can a regular person afford France? (2)
- 20: French is the next best thing…after English (1)
- 14: Required reading…
- 13: The French Identity
- 12: The Origin of the Word Poutine
- 05: Why Do People Learn French?
febrero 2012
- 27: What Language Does Your Car Speak?
- 21: Jean-Benoît presents to AMWA Canada
- 14: Love in the Time of French
- 10: French as an International Language
enero 2012
- 30: Why Bother Learning Different Languages?
- 23: Jean-Benoît Nadeau’s New Language Blog
- 19: The ABC’s of the French Language
- 18: Thriving as a Book Author in the Electronic Age
- 17: The United States of Languages
- 12: Nesbitt Will Stay Open… but will the EMSB start doing its job now?
- 06: Argot: Criminal Jargon?
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2011 Posts
diciembre 2011
- 29: Happy New Year 2012!
- 23: The Revolutionary Calendar
- 16: Jean-Benoît Nadeau and Julie Barlow win literary award in Paris for The Story of French
- 14: Becoming an Artist
- 09: How did Victor Hugo save the famous cathedral of Notre Dame from demolition?
- 09: The Virtues of Bilingualism
- 06: Anglophone and Francophone Working Together to Save French Immersion
- 02: Becoming an Artist: A Montreal How-to
- 02: Top Book on Figuring out the French
- 01: The Big Names in French Grammar and Dictionary Business (1)
noviembre 2011
- 24: The Limitations of Unilingualism
- 18: Until the 1960s the Canadian Government Did Not Defend the Rights of Francophones
- 11: French as the Common language
- 04: The So-called Belgian Accent
octubre 2011
- 31: France is Occupying Wall Street too
- 31: A debate in Paris between Jean-Benoît Nadeau and Donald Morrison
- 28: The Guillotine: More Humane Than Hanging?
- 27: A debate in Paris
- 26: Julie Barlow reads a passage from The Story of French
- 20: Is There a Typical Swiss Accent?
- 13: The Jèrriais Language: “Norman French” (2)
- 11: Jean-Benoît on Bazzo.tv
- 11: Jean-Benoît on France Culture
- 06: Gallo-Roman: «Street» Latin
- 03: Maclean’s Magazine Quotes Jean-Benoît Nadeau on the French Language and Immigrants in Quebec
septiembre 2011
- 28: You Don’t Have to Speak French at Home to Be a Francophone (3)
- 15: French is the Latin of English
- 12: PWAC Reads!
- 06: The Decline and Fall of the French Language? Huh? (7)
- 01: Is English Montreal School Board Killing the Best to Save the Rest?
agosto 2011
- 24: Maclean Uncovers Why Successful Bilingual School in Montreal is Up for Closure
- 22: The Bilingual Struggle Continues
julio 2011
- 21: The Story of French: Q & A With Julie Barlow (Part 2)
- 14: History of the French Language
- 14: The Story of French: Q & A With Julie Barlow (Part 1)
- 06: Francophobia: is it the last “acceptable” prejudice? (2)
junio 2011
- 22: Drowning in English
- 16: Nesbitt School: The Battle for Bilingualism (1)
- 15: Weekly Quiz : Biting Word
- 07: Weekly Quiz : First to Define
- 02: One Million Words ~ Is Quebec French a “Dialect?” (2)
mayo 2011
- 31: Weekly Quiz : Mission-Possible
- 26: One Million Words
- 25: Julie Barlow and Jean-Benoît Nadeau Present at the National PWAC Conference on June 18th (1)
- 16: Weekly Quiz : The Latin of English
- 11: Saving a successful bilingual program
- 09: Weekly Quiz : an inspiring idea
- 02: Weekly Quiz : neologisms
abril 2011
- 26: Weekly Quiz : a few gallicisms
- 21: Shut Down of a Reputed French Immersion Program
- 19: Tuesday’s Quiz : La Francophonie Members
- 18: Saving French immersion in Montreal
- 14: Thursday’s Quiz : Head Count
- 12: Tuesday’s Quiz : a francophone metropolis
- 07: Article on Le Français quelle histoire! in the French magazine, Le Point (1)
- 07: Thursday’s Quiz : a geographer’s idea
- 05: Tuesday’s Quiz : a question of status
marzo 2011
- 25: Five Days to Save Nesbitt (3)
- 21: The Nail Polish Technique
- 21: Soap Opera Spanish
- 05: Teaching Kids a Second Language
febrero 2011
- 26: Language Learning: The Hammers and Nails
- 26: Is French really on the decline?
- 19: To Be Or Not To Be…a Francophone
- 18: Book launch in Paris!
- 14: The WSJ on Sixty Million Frenchmen…
- 14: The Independent reviews The Story of French
- 14: The Story of French in the New York Times
- 12: Martin Léon
- 05: Livin’ in the francophonie?
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Older Posts
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