Self-Employed: Should you incorporate?
Julie published this short explanation of the pros and cons of incorporating for self-employed workers/freelancers in Some lessons from our guide to self-employment GOING …
Julie published this short explanation of the pros and cons of incorporating for self-employed workers/freelancers in Some lessons from our guide to self-employment GOING …
Sonali Karnick, host of CBC’s “All in a Weekend,” spoke to Julie about the pros and cons of traditional publishing, versus self-publishing. Traditional publishing has …
Drawing on lessons from our new #selfemployment guide Going Solo, Julie and Jean-Benoît work with podcast host and sales expert Shawn Rhodes to build a …
On David Hill’s “Path to Mastery” podcast, Julie and Jean spoke about how their new book, Going Solo, helps creative workers “think like a business.” …
Going Solo was included on MoneySense’s 2023 Holiday Gift Guide. “For your newly self-employed friends” In the past few years, thousands of Canadians have started …
We had the great pleasure of speaking to Marc Kramer, host of the Best Business Minds podcast, about our new book GOING SOLO: Everything You …
Julie and Jean-Benoît talk about GOING SOLO on The Stuph File with with Peter Anthony Holder. Here’s the whole interview, with tips for those who …
Jean-Benoit Nadeau and I released our new book GOING SOLO: Everything You Need to Start Your Business and Succeed as Your Own Boss today (Sutherland …
Jean-Benoît Nadeau and I are thrilled to announce the release of our new guide for self-employed workers, Going Solo: Everything You Need to Start Your …