Julie was interview for this BBC story exploring how the concept of “excitement” doesn’t translate into French. “Verbally, ‘I’m so excited’ is sort of a …
The Bonjour Effect is quote at length in this essay in the Los Angeles Review of Books, on what drives us to want to master …
Julie was interviewed for an article in France-Amérique’s web magazine about the French waiter who was fired from his job in a Vancouver restaurant for …
Julie just released a new book she helped two McGill family medicine professors write. It shows doctors and patients how to use online information to make …
Julie is interviewed in the Paris guide BonjourParis.com by American writer Janet Hulstrand. Read the Interview.
We’re delighted to discover The Bonjour Effect is on the Sonoma Index-Tribune’s list of bestselling paperbacks this week.
The New York Times Book Review included The Bonjour Effect on its list of new paperback releases this May. Read the short piece about the book here, in Paperback Row.
The Bonjour Effect is on the new list of favourite books posted on BonjourParis.com.
Barlow and Nadeau publish Op/Ed on French Elections in Globe and Mail: Macron milks a long-lost French impulse – optimism